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Terms of Use

These terms and conditions constitute an agreement ("Agreement") between Almirall, CCG (their host provider), and visitors to this site, including but not limited to Virtual Rep registrants.

You acknowledge your responsibility to comply with all federal, state, local, or other laws and/or regulations, including all rules governing the services and products offered through Virtual Rep. Regulations/rules include, but are not limited to, The Prescription Drug Marketing Act (PDMA), The Controlled Substance Act (CSA), and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD & C Act).

You agree that you will not hold Almirall or CCG, their host provider, liable for your failure to comply with any law. You agree that it is not the responsibility of Almirall or CCG, their host provider, to notify you of the law or changes to the law. You agree that all documents and electronic records provided to Almirall, or their host provider, CCG, will remain the property of Almirall. Your transmission of such information is deemed your assignment of right, title, and interest in the materials.

In the event of any suspected illegal activity or misuse of the Virtual Rep website, Almirall may provide your information to law enforcement and any regulatory authorities to assist and cooperate with any investigation or prosecution.